The "state" has many definitions and each related aspect
would be impossible to cover. We will refer to this political entity
as synonymous with government, which includes any public organization
but mainly "government agents," such as ministries,
public officials, leaders, etc. Entities like the judicial system,
police, and the military (although this varies depending on each viewpoint).
Hierarchies and laws also fall under this category.
We are not revolutionaries. We do not propose the eradication of the state
in a violent manner. We have nothing against the state, and above all,
we do not want to eliminate it solely to apply "the law of the jungle" and allow
everyone to do as they please without consequences, as people often tend
to think when discussing anarchy.
So why do we seek the elimination of the state? To put it simply,
because we believe the state will always be a limiting entity towards our ideology
and it would be impossible to carry it out with such an organ limiting and regulating humor.
The state is inherently limiting, especially towards humor.
Different laws can lead to prohibiting, censoring, and regulating the type of humor
that one tries to develop. This prohibition and censorship go against
the basic points of AnCom and we consider it the main reason why the
state would play an antagonistic role in this context. There are many countries
where the state limits freedom of expression and this is also reflected
in the type of humor allowed. We consider this a form of repression that must be eliminated.
The endless bureaucracy ("The Process" by Kafka was right) and
endless political back-and-forths and paperwork also play a fundamental role
in concepts that stifle the development of creativity
and humor in society.
If the state were absent from our lives, we could then eliminate its
limitations regarding humor and it would allow us to achieve the
ultimate freedom and creativity necessary to "unlock" the maximum
expression of humor and comedy. The ability to share joy would now
have no legal, cultural, or any type of restrictions imposed by the
I need to clarify this again. WE ARE NOT REVOLUTIONARIES.
Nevertheless, humor can be used as an effective form of complaint and protest against
the government and the state. This can be seen reflected and it is something that
society already does, for example, in creating memes that satirize political entities,
government authorities, among others. The purpose of this would be
to ridicule the government and imply that they are... A joke. :o)
Oftentimes politicians themselves are extremely meme-able and while we find this acceptable as it generates laughs, it becomes a smokescreen so that we do not protest against the injustices and oppressions of the state against AnCom. Humor can then be a powerful way to criticize and, if desired, subvert the social norms imposed
by the government and question the power it holds.
Once people understand the antagonistic role that the government plays in
their lives (and in this hypothetical case, they join the AnCom goal), it could
be possible to build communities based on humor as a bond and
main reason for unity. Being based on laughter, enjoyment will be massive and
shared, which is why again we do not advocate violence under any circumstances. By carrying this out peacefully, the now weakened state in the eyes of the public opinion could not act, as it would be purely political repression. State repression will always lead to violent responses or the rise to power of ideologies that will not be as merciful as us, and this is something that both we and the state must avoid.
Through comedy and humor, individuals can from this point on
begin to stand out, have their own brands, and express themselves freely
challenging repressive government structures from a satirical angle.
Once the state has been effectively eliminated or relegated to the background
(however, awaiting its eventual dissolution), society would finally have
achieved its true freedom of expression and therefore the ultimate definition of
humor would now be within our reach. A paradise of infinite laughter without
boundaries or limitations imposed by the government. Certain
institutions should be replaced, but their restructuring should be avoided.
The handling and management of this process would be based on the predominant
humor community without the need for rigid hierarchies.